Kung Fu Styles

The National Fut Gar Kung Fu Training Centre is dedicated to teaching and preservation of our systems of Kung Fu. Although we teach multiple styles in our classes, all styles taught fall under the more general classification of Southern Styles of Kung Fu.

Shaolin Fut Gar Kung Fu

The core style taught in our system, Shaolin Fut Gar Kung Fu emphasizes fighting theory and precise execution of technique. The style was created to build automatic reactions to all situations, relying on maneuverability and the use of an opponent’s power against them.

Choy Li Fut Kung Fu

The Choy Li Fut system is very versatile due to the combination of techniques and theories from several styles. The style stands as one of the most popular styles of Kung Fu in the world today.

Lama Pai Kung Fu
The students will enjoy the long armed techniques of Lama Pai Kung Fu. This offensively oriented style is closely associated to White Crane Kung Fu.

Training is provided in a wide variety of weapons such as staff, sword, spear, and halberd to name a few.


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